Kim Kiyosaki is an international renowned speaker, author (RichWoman, Good deal Bad deal), entrepreneur, real estate investor, radio show host and the founder of Rich Woman. She is the wife of the famous author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad" Robert Kiyosaki. If you haven't read any of his book please do. So I was reading a post on Kim Kiyosaki and I came across this from her blog post, thought of sharing it to you all. It speak to a lot of women. _____________________________________ Stop making foolish financial moves. Instead, make a choice. Most women make terrible financial decisions whether due to lack financial literacy or fear . 1. We marry for money . 2. We stay in a bed marriage or relationship because we're afraid we can't make it (financially) on our own . 3. We let men make all our financial decisions . 4. We blindly accept the myth that men are better with money or investing . 5. We don't challenge a man's financial decisions because...